22nd Century Consciousness ~ Donnielle Carter

22nd Century Consciousness ~ Donnielle Carter

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June 19, 2018 by *The Exploration Of Wonder


Igniting 22nd Century Consciousness Through Right Body For You ~ Donnielle Carter

Donnielle Carter

What else is possible with bodies? With YOUR Body?? Can it be a fun companion instead of that thing dragging down your life?? YES! Join Donnielle for quick and easy to use tools to change anything with your body that you desire!

30 Days Nurturing Video Recordings with PDF
Value: $400 USD

What would your life be like if nurturing you and your body were a daily thing? And what if it wasn’t a “job”?

Topics Include:
Create Money in Your Life
Stop Judgment
Lessen Pain & Stress
Prepare Your Body for the Holidays
End Struggle with your family
Create the Body YOU desire

You will receive:
– 30 Different Body Related Topics Each dealing with Bodies.
– Each Day contains a PDF of Processes and FULL of Information. Also included is a video or mp3 of Process loop or a mp3 call
– 30 Process PDFs and description of Day
– 4 x 90 minute MP3 Calls
– 1 x 90 minute Zoom Call Video
– 17 Youtube Videos
– 12 Process Loops MP3

One Size Does Not Fit All – Video recording, PDF & MP3 Processes

Value: $35 USD

We’ve been told that there is only one acceptable Female Body Type and one acceptable Male Type Body. WHAT?????

Have you looked out there? Are we all clones? Heck no. There are so many different types of bodies. Why would we judge ourselves by one type? If we weren’t doing that would we even have to judge ourselves or are bodies at all?

Also there is only one way to heal or change a body? Um….no…things to change the body is an unique as each body itself.

This call is designed to assist you with getting rid of the ONE SIZE you’ve been sold so you and your body can create the unique body and life that you trully be!

This call will be zoom so it can be video or you can use your phone. It’s as easy as that.

You will receive:
1 x 90 minute phone call
1 x PDF clearings from call
1 x mp3 Process Loop

10 Questions to Change Body Image 2018 PDF

Value: $1.99 USD

TOTAL VALUE ~ $436.99 for $97 USD

Yes! I want permanent access to Sher’s package at the value price $436.99 ONLY $97 USD

CHECK OUT: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=5D5CHQG4VG72S


Christine McIver, Possibilities Coach, TV & Radio Personality, works one-on-one with individuals around all areas of life where great joy is desired.  She also works with groups and organizations. http://www.inspiredchoices.ca/

Inspired Choices Network