The Long Bearded Guy with Gordon D Melville


How much of our daily success relies on our mindset?

Anything we are unaware can still impact our lives.

When dealing with our daily emotions, that we all face, there can be positive outcomes we control.

Why is the word ‘Stigma’ such a bs misnomer?

Is living ABUNDANTLY really possible for all of us, no matter where we find ourselves today?

‘The Long Bearded Guy’, Gordon D Melville, the chief Catalyst, Strategist Guide at JEWIL International invites you to an enlightening, sometimes shocking discussion. He will be challenging you to explore your own answers to these questions and SO many more.  This will lead you towards living an abundant successful life no matter how you define it!



December 21, 2024-TV – Posture Of A Warrior, Strength Of A King! – Dr. Rob Green

The Long Bearded Guy ~ Gordon D. Melville  The posture of a warrior means showing up strong! That’s because posture isn’t just about your spine, it’s about how you show up to life. A warrior doesn’t slouch through their day, making excuses for their pain & procrastination. A warrior stands tall, with posture that tells the world: I’m here, I’m ready, and I won’t be moved. If you’re walking...

December 20, 2024-Posture Of A Warrior, Strength Of A King! – Dr. Rob Green

The Long Bearded Guy ~ Gordon D. Melville  The posture of a warrior means showing up strong! That’s because posture isn’t just about your spine, it’s about how you show up to life. A warrior doesn’t slouch through their day, making excuses for their pain & procrastination. A warrior stands tall, with posture that tells the world: I’m here, I’m ready, and I won’t be moved. If you’re walking...

December 14, 2024-TV – Maximizing Impact With Precision Communication! – Gordon D. Melville

The Long Bearded Guy ~ Gordon D. Melville  Maximizing Impact With Precision Communication. Without precise communication, your impact is nonexistent. Impact starts when you choose your words with intent, when your communication serves a purpose & delivers exactly the punch you intend. Communication done right doesn’t just say something, it does something. It changes minds, shifts directions, & most...

December 13, 2024-Maximizing Impact With Precision Communication! – Gordon D. Melville

The Long Bearded Guy ~ Gordon D. Melville  Maximizing Impact With Precision Communication. Without precise communication, your impact is nonexistent. Impact starts when you choose your words with intent, when your communication serves a purpose & delivers exactly the punch you intend. Communication done right doesn’t just say something, it does something. It changes minds, shifts directions, & most...

December 7, 2024-TV – The Discipline Of Daily Excellence! – Gordon D. Melville

The Long Bearded Guy ~ Gordon D. Melville  The Discipline of Daily Excellence; Are You Ready to Show Up? Discipline is where it all begins. Daily excellence doesn’t happen by accident; it’s built in the trenches of our routines, in the structures we choose, & the habits we refuse to compromise. Discipline & excellence are forged every single day. Real success doesn’t wait for inspiration; it’s...

December 6, 2024-The Discipline Of Daily Excellence! – Gordon D. Melville

The Long Bearded Guy ~ Gordon D. Melville  The Discipline of Daily Excellence; Are You Ready to Show Up? Discipline is where it all begins. Daily excellence doesn’t happen by accident; it’s built in the trenches of our routines, in the structures we choose, & the habits we refuse to compromise. Discipline & excellence are forged every single day. Real success doesn’t wait for inspiration; it’s...

November 16, 2024-TV – Called To Greatness! With Guest Dr. Alex Auerbach

The Long Bearded Guy ~ Gordon D. Melville  Today we are looking for those exceptional individuals who feel called to greatness, because while some feel called to greatness, some will tragically settle before ever reaching their max potential. But here’s the truth: greatness isn’t about talent alone; it’s forged through an unyielding mindset & relentless commitment to themselves & their craft whether...

November 15, 2024-Called To Greatness! With Guest Dr. Alex Auerbach

The Long Bearded Guy ~ Gordon D. Melville  Today we are looking for those exceptional individuals who feel called to greatness, because while some feel called to greatness, some will tragically settle before ever reaching their max potential. But here’s the truth: greatness isn’t about talent alone; it’s forged through an unyielding mindset & relentless commitment to themselves & their craft whether...

November 9, 2024-TV – Radical Accountability, Radical Results! – Gordon D. Melville

The Long Bearded Guy ~ Gordon D. Melville  Radical Results are for those who dare, so if you want Radical Results, then Radical Accountability is the price. This isn’t a feel-good session, and it’s not here to make you comfortable. We’re talking about real change, the kind that doesn’t come from empty promises or easy answers. This episode isn’t only for the high flyers, over-achievers; it’s also the...

November 8, 2024-Radical Accountability, Radical Results! – Gordon D. Melville

The Long Bearded Guy ~ Gordon D. Melville  Radical Results are for those who dare, so if you want Radical Results, then Radical Accountability is the price. This isn’t a feel-good session, and it’s not here to make you comfortable. We’re talking about real change, the kind that doesn’t come from empty promises or easy answers. This episode isn’t only for the high flyers, over-achievers; it’s also the...
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