Heal Your Body with Dr. Jamie Gilliam

Heal Your Body with Dr. Jamie Gilliam

LIVE MONDAYS 2 PM ET/1 CT/12 MT/11 am PT  

What would you do if you no longer felt sick and tired? What if you woke up every day feeling amazing in your body and in your life?  You and your body are capable of incredible things. You have the power to heal, you just need the right tools and support. 

Healing your body goes beyond simply taking medication to alleviate symptoms. While medications have their place in healthcare and can be essential in managing certain conditions, healing involves total body care.

Instead of just surviving, why not feel amazing and actually thrive. Doctor of Integrative Medicine, Jamie Gilliam, empowers you with tools to do just that.


July 23, 2024-TV – Gallbladder Health: What It Does And Why It Matters – Dr. Jamie Gilliam

Heal Your Body With Dr. Jamie Gilliam  In this enlightening episode, Dr. Jamie Gilliam dives deep into the often-overlooked yet crucial organ, the gallbladder. As an expert in integrative medicine, Dr. Gilliam provides a comprehensive overview of the gallbladder's function, its importance in the digestive system and how it contributes to overall health. Dr. Gilliam also shares holistic approaches to maintaining...

July 22, 2024-Gallbladder Health: What It Does And Why It Matters – Dr. Jamie Gilliam

Heal Your Body With Dr. Jamie Gilliam  In this enlightening episode, Dr. Jamie Gilliam dives deep into the often-overlooked yet crucial organ, the gallbladder. As an expert in integrative medicine, Dr. Gilliam provides a comprehensive overview of the gallbladder's function, its importance in the digestive system and how it contributes to overall health. Dr. Gilliam also shares holistic approaches to maintaining...

July 16, 2024-TV – The Link Between Trauma and Chronic Illness – Dr. Jamie Gilliam

Heal Your Body With Dr. Jamie Gilliam In this compelling episode of "The Heal Your Body Show," Dr. Jamie Gilliam discusses the intricate and often overlooked connection between trauma and chronic illness. Join Dr. Gilliam as she unpacks the ways in which emotional and psychological trauma can manifest as physical health issues, exploring the science and stories behind this complex relationship. Dr. Gilliam begins...

July 15, 2024-The Link Between Trauma and Chronic Illness – Dr. Jamie Gilliam

Heal Your Body With Dr. Jamie Gilliam In this compelling episode of "The Heal Your Body Show," Dr. Jamie Gilliam discusses the intricate and often overlooked connection between trauma and chronic illness. Join Dr. Gilliam as she unpacks the ways in which emotional and psychological trauma can manifest as physical health issues, exploring the science and stories behind this complex relationship. Dr. Gilliam begins...

July 9, 2024-TV – ADHD And Health Risks: Understanding The Connection – Dr. Jamie Gilliam

Heal Your Body With Dr. Jamie Gilliam  Join Dr. Jamie Gilliam as she discusses the intricate relationship between ADHD and various health risks. ADHD, often recognized for its impact on attention and behavior, can also lead to significant physical and mental health challenges if not properly managed. Dr. Gilliam breaks down the underlying reasons why individuals with ADHD may face increased health risks and offers...

July 8, 2024-ADHD And Health Risks: Understanding The Connection – Dr. Jamie Gilliam

Heal Your Body With Dr. Jamie Gilliam  Join Dr. Jamie Gilliam as she discusses the intricate relationship between ADHD and various health risks. ADHD, often recognized for its impact on attention and behavior, can also lead to significant physical and mental health challenges if not properly managed. Dr. Gilliam breaks down the underlying reasons why individuals with ADHD may face increased health risks and offers...

July 2, 2024-TV – 40 Pounds Down: Maryellen’s Healing Journey – Dr. Jamie Gilliam

Heal Your Body With Dr. Jamie Gilliam  In this episode of The Heal Your Body Show, Dr. Jamie Gilliam is joined by her patient Maryellen Pound to share the inspiring story of Maryellen's healing journey and her 40-pound weight loss. This episode offers a deep dive into the physical, emotional, and mental aspects of healing and transforming your body. Maryellen candidly discusses her struggles, successes, and the...

July 1, 2024-40 Pounds Down: Maryellen’s Healing Journey – Dr. Jamie Gilliam

Heal Your Body With Dr. Jamie Gilliam  In this episode of The Heal Your Body Show, Dr. Jamie Gilliam is joined by her patient Maryellen Pound to share the inspiring story of Maryellen's healing journey and her 40-pound weight loss. This episode offers a deep dive into the physical, emotional, and mental aspects of healing and transforming your body. Maryellen candidly discusses her struggles, successes, and the...

June 25, 2024-TV – Neurotype Training For A Happier, Healthier And Fitter You – Mike Millner

Heal Your Body With Dr. Jamie Gilliam  Join Dr. Jamie Gilliam and neurotype training expert Mike Millner in this powerful Heal Your Body episode as they discuss nuerotype training for a happier, healthier, and fitter you. Neurotype training focuses on tailoring fitness and nutrition plans based on your unique brain chemistry and personality traits, offering a personalized approach to achieving optimal health and...

June 24, 2024-Neurotype Training For A Happier, Healthier And Fitter You – Mike Millner

Heal Your Body With Dr. Jamie Gilliam  Join Dr. Jamie Gilliam and neurotype training expert Mike Millner in this powerful Heal Your Body episode as they discuss nuerotype training for a happier, healthier, and fitter you. Neurotype training focuses on tailoring fitness and nutrition plans based on your unique brain chemistry and personality traits, offering a personalized approach to achieving optimal health and...
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