Walking the Talk ~ Guest Steve Ross

Walking the Talk ~ Guest Steve Ross

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August 30, 2019 by Bring Your Brilliance with Carla Taylor

Bring Your Brilliance With Carla Taylor Radio Show

Many people talk about being their best selves and making the world a better place. But how many people actually live that out day after day? And do that not only for themselves, but for everyone around them?

And of those people, how many have been “walking the talk” on a daily basis for over 35 years?

Join Carla Taylor as she interviews the always inspiring Steve Ross about how he models the way to walk the talk himself, how the Walk The Talk Speaker Series came to be, and how he finds the best interactive and passionate speakers with the coolest over-the-top on-topic stories, plus mixes in a lot of fun!

Be sure to call in with your questions to learn more about Steve’s journey and what’s next for Walk the Talk.

Spend five minutes with Steve Ross, and you’ll know he’s happy to be living the life he has! His family, friends, and close relationships are the bedrock of his life.

He did graduate from college…not that this is so important, but it gave him opportunities to learn, grow and realize what he was best at. And that is working with people to create and manifest their visions and ideas, while at all times enjoying what’s being created. He’s followed this path for the last 35+ years, including 33 years as the owner of the Vogue nightclub and one of the top music venues in Indianapolis.

Steve believes that everyone has amazing and creative ideas within them, as long as they become empowered to try. During this empowering process, many cool things happen: minds open, ideas are shared, visions are projected, sweat happens, art is designed, and in the end, awesome things are created!

In presenting his current mission of the Walk The Talk Speaker Series, topics chosen are based on well-being, positive thinking, and spirituality. The catchphrase for Walk The Talk is “Creating An Epic Shift” in people’s thoughts and actions, and this is what he intends to do, in a positive and upbeat manner. You are welcome to contact Steve Ross at walkthetalkseries@gmail.com  https://www.walkthetalkseries.com

~ More Bring Your Brilliance ~ Carla Taylor ~

Are you ready to find your voice and bring your message to the world?

Do you know you need a personal brand but aren’t sure what it should be?

Do you want to create your own “pension plan” by having a personal brand that outlives any role or company?

Each week, Personal Branding Evangelist and LinkedIn Strategist Carla Taylor interviews amazing people who are bringing their brilliance and forging their own path. She helps business leaders navigate the unknown by helping them stay relevant and known in their field, be their authentic selves, and love what they do.

After supporting thousands of clients in achieving their goals, Carla Taylor realized she needed to “walk the talk” for her own personal brand. She started saying yes to opportunities, making social media connections in real life, and having a lot more fun along the way.


To get more of Bring Your Brilliance ~ Carla Taylor, be sure to visit the archives page for replays of all her shows here: https://www.inspiredchoicesnetwork.com/podcast/bring-your-brilliance-with-carla-taylor/


Inspired Choices Network