TV – The A Train to Sedona – Speaker Linda Eleanor Marsanico

TV – The A Train to Sedona – Speaker Linda Eleanor Marsanico

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June 8, 2023 by Clarity Confidence Connection

Clarity Confidence Connection Summit

How do we become the woman we’ve dreamed of becoming?

We have an intention to be on the spiritual path.

We take responsibility for our actions.

We develop compassion, self-love & assertion.n

FREE Gift: The Earth-Sky Meditation

Linda Marsanico writes and blogs about love, compassion, playfulness, visualization, meditation, and stillness as a road to a joy-filled life. She encourages clients to develop the muscle of meditation and mantra as a support for a disciplined mind.

She is a psychologist and spiritual coach who works integratively with clients (looking at the whole person), using coaching techniques and a spiritual focus. Linda considers herself to be a healer, employing Reiki, Vortex (R) and Integrated Energy (R) modalities.

In her soon-to-be published book, “The A Train to Sedona,” she describes her journey toward love, compassion, and enlightenment. She writes to have her voice be heard, and to inspire others “on their way” by sharing vignettes and strategies, which she finds helpful, personally and through her experience with many clients.

Linda has developed a training program to guide participants to develop love and compassion, thus, developing a spiritual practice and conscious path.


Contact Linda: 





~ More About Clarity Confidence Connection ~ 

Clarity Confidence Connection Summit, where Badass Women Breakthrough Barriers and Unlock Their Next Level of Success and Build Bonds with other Badass Business Owners!

Build Bonds With The Other Badass Women That Will Allow You To Step Into Your Power With Purpose And Passion!

Join us on an amazing journey of personal transformation to break through barriers and embrace your true potential.

Over the last few years, Ranchelle Van Bryce, Candace McKim and, Samantha Kaaua have been working together  to help empower women everywhere by providing a space where they can form meaningful connections without judgement or fear. Find clarity boost self-confidence as we create bonds that will help launch lasting success – the sky is no limit here!


To get more of Clarity Confidence Connection Summit, be sure to visit the podcast page for replays here:

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