Open Mic Spotlight ~ Guest Anne Day ~ Radio Show Contestant

Open Mic Spotlight ~ Guest Anne Day ~ Radio Show Contestant

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December 29, 2017 by Open Mic on Inspired Choices Network

Open Mic Spotlight Radio Show

Open Mic Spotlight PRESENTS Anne Day this weeks’ Unique Exciting Speaker! & Semi-Finalist in the Radio Show Contest 2017!

We will dive into all of who Anne is, what she is creating in the world, her ideas, messages and anything else that comes forward during the conversation.

Anne Day has had an eclectic career from leadership roles in the non-profit sector, to working in government on women’s issues, to being the editor of a national parenting magazine to having her own consulting practice.  Regardless of the role, her focus has always been on women and children. She has received numerous awards for her work.

In 2003 she started the award-winning Company of Women as a way to support and connect women entrepreneurs.  She is driven to help women succeed on their own terms. Today there are six chapters and over 155 events are offered by the organization.  For the past 15 years, thousands of women have benefited from Company of Women.

Anne is also the author of six books, focusing on women in business and a prolific blogger, including the Huffington Post.  She is the editor of her local community newspaper. Giving back is important to her and she has served on several boards at the local, national and international level.  On the home front, she is married, has two adult daughters, a dog, and lives on a farm near Guelph.





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