Magnetic Mindset- Harnessing the Power of the Subconscious Mind Speaker Brooke Kekos

Magnetic Mindset- Harnessing the Power of the Subconscious Mind Speaker Brooke Kekos

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February 2, 2023 by Clarity Confidence Connection

How discovering your power is connected with the Subconscious mind and it’s power it can hold over you.

How to break free from old patterns that no longer serve you to become fully aligned with your purpose and passion. 

How smart goals, visualization, and imagination can give your mind a clear path to what you want to achieve. Brooke Kekos helps those who feel alone and lost to discover their truth and stand in their personal power using her training as Magnetic Mindset Coach, rapid transformational therapist (RTT), clinical hypnotherapist, and Relationship Mentor. Having spent 35 years trapped in a religious sect, indoctrination, abuse and trauma were prevalent. Raised by a narcissistic abusive father, she got stuck in toxic relationship cycles. This led her to enter into marriage for 17 years with a narcissistic abusive man. However, in 2017  Brooke found her personal truth and power and she was able to break free from both the relationship and the religion. Shortly, after her ex husband and father to their two sons passed suddenly to addiction. With this great loss it ignited her desire to heal more deeply. Through her loss and trauma Brooke’s intuition and her souls calling was revealed. After 18 years as an Esthetician listening to peoples’ stories, she knew that she could do more to serve those suffering and help them on their healing path. She is currently working on her book, a speaker to help others in their own transformation , and the owner of Life Coaching Goddess. Her passion and purpose is to help others heal from past traumas, toxic relationships, and limiting beliefs that are no longer serving them.

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~ More About Clarity Confidence Connection
Clarity Confidence Connection Summit, where Badass Women Breakthrough Barriers and Unlock Their Next Level of Success and Build Bonds with other Badass Business Owners!

Build Bonds With The Other Badass Women That Will Allow You To Step Into Your Power With Purpose And Passion!

Join us on an amazing journey of personal transformation to break through barriers and embrace your true potential.

Over the last few years, Ranchelle Van Bryce, Candace McKim and, Samantha Kaaua have been working together  to help empower women everywhere by providing a space where they can form meaningful connections without judgement or fear. Find clarity boost self-confidence as we create bonds that will help launch lasting success – the sky is no limit here!

To get more of Clarity Confidence Connection Summit, be sure to visit the podcast page for replays here:
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