2023 Year of the Woman: Find Your Fire, Freedom & Fulfillment Speaker Kathy Basel

2023 Year of the Woman: Find Your Fire, Freedom & Fulfillment Speaker Kathy Basel

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February 2, 2023 by Clarity Confidence Connection

This is a great time to live as a woman — and 2023 is our year! It’s time to let go of what no longer serves you to make way for the fullest, wildest expression of YOU. 

A new feminine paradigm is emerging and as we move from the masculine “push” energy and the “work harder to make it happen” culture, it creates the space for you as a woman to come home to your way of creation through ease, natural rhythm and flow.

Imagine your life if you could release all those areas of struggle, the need to get it “right”, taking care of everyone else (but you), self-criticism, self-doubt and playing small.

In this talk, Kathy will walk you through an EXPERIENCE to feel your divine feminine essence and begin to take confident steps toward that deep yearning for freedom, to crack the code to a life with greater passion, deeper connections and soul-fulfilling meaning in your life.

This is our time, ladies. The world needs the special gifts that only we can bring! Kathy is a transformational life coach, energy healer and creator of The Vitality Code. She works with women ready to break free from the fear and unworthiness keeping them stuck and unable to live fully into their next SOUL*FUL chapter. Her passion is to her clients to turn their past pain into their power and achieve QUANTUM LEAPS toward the life they truly desire.

FREE GIFT: Your Big, Bold, Beautiful Life is Calling https://bit.ly/BBB_Life_Planner






~ More About Clarity Confidence Connection
Clarity Confidence Connection Summit, where Badass Women Breakthrough Barriers and Unlock Their Next Level of Success and Build Bonds with other Badass Business Owners!

Build Bonds With The Other Badass Women That Will Allow You To Step Into Your Power With Purpose And Passion!

Join us on an amazing journey of personal transformation to break through barriers and embrace your true potential.

Over the last few years, Ranchelle Van Bryce, Candace McKim and, Samantha Kaaua have been working together  to help empower women everywhere by providing a space where they can form meaningful connections without judgement or fear. Find clarity boost self-confidence as we create bonds that will help launch lasting success – the sky is no limit here!

To get more of Clarity Confidence Connection Summit, be sure to visit the podcast page for replays here: https://www.inspiredchoicesnetwork.com/podcast/clarity-confidence-connection-summit/
Inspired Choices Network