Messy Adventures in Living ~ Petrina Fava

Are you trying hard to get life right? Are you waiting to get everything perfect and all lined up before you even begin living? What would it be like to jump right into the messy adventure and start creating the life you truly desire; all while having more fun than you can possibly imagine?

Petrina Fava


September 25, 2017-Pregnancy: What Not to Expect When You’re Expecting ~ Petrina Fava

Messy Adventures in Living ~ Petrina Fava Radio Show Is there anything more loaded with expectation than pregnancy and birth? They joys, the pains; the nausea, the luscious hair, the love you will feel when you first hold your little one, the stretch marks, the birth plan....oh....that birth plan. Talk about setting yourself up for disappointment. What if everything you've ever dreamed your pregnancy would be...

September 18, 2017-Bullying. Tools to Outcreate Victimhood ~ Petrina Fava

Messy Adventures in Living ~ Petrina Fava Radio Show What if ending bullying is not the answer? Many Anti-Bully Programs have one very large underlying assumption; the bullied are the victims. The bullied suffer at the hands of the bully who is bigger, meaner and has the power to affect their lives. What if kids didn't have to be impacted by mean words, ridicule and rudeness? How different would a child's life be,...

September 11, 2017-Holding Onto Pain and Calling it Remembrance ~ Petrina Fava

Messy Adventures in Living ~ Petrina Fava Radio Show What exactly gets created when we swear to always remember 911, the holocaust, WWII? Does remembering and making significant the anniversaries of acts of terror truly honour those who died? How many centuries worth of the energy of torture and pain and sadness have we been dragging into each new year? Are we changing it? Or holding it in place? Petrina Fava is...

September 4, 2017-Beautiful Suffering ~ Petrina Fava

Messy Adventures in Living ~ Petrina Fava Radio Show Are you more beautiful if you are broken? Many of us seem to be applying the Japanese art of Kintsugi to our lives. What happens if you are never broken and never repaired with gold? Are you less wise if you are simply untouched by adversity? Less courageous if you've never faced unimaginable fear? What could we create in the world that is beautiful, without...

August 28, 2017-The Truth About Lies ~ Petrina Fava

Messy Adventures in Living ~ Petrina Fava Radio Show Deceit. No one likes to be lied to, taken advantage of or taken for a fool, right? But, what if you could be grateful for people who lie to you? Would you be willing to get past being hurt and offended so that you could be aware? Are all lies deceitful? Is it possible that a lie can be a kindness? A contribution? Let's take a look at all our conclusions about...

August 21, 2017-Mistakes Are Just Choices You Judge ~ Petrina Fava

Messy Adventures in Living ~ Petrina Fava Radio Show What would mistakes be without judgement? They'd be choices! Have you ever made a mistake that ended up taking a twisty, turny road to a fantastic outcome that you never would have imagined? Maybe a wrong turn that showed you the house for sale that turned out to be the home of your dreams? Fired from a job that turned out making room in your life to create your...

August 14, 2017-Creating? Or Staying Busy? ~ Petrina Fava

Messy Adventures in Living ~ Petrina Fava Radio Show Are you creating or are you doing "busy"? What's the difference? Is there one? Is it possible to be staying busy without creating? Or what exactly are you creating with your busy-ness? So many questions! Let's uncover all the places you are "doing busy" and what that is creating in your life. What would you actually like to create your life as? Petrina Fava is...

August 7, 2017-Up Yours!…Up Your Ask, That Is ~ Guest, Christine McIver

Messy Adventures in Living ~ Petrina Fava Radio Show Have you ever felt guilty asking for more? Told to be quiet and just be grateful since you had more than most people? Do you believe that if you ask for too much, you will end up with nothing? What if the unwillingness to ask is actually limiting what is possible for everyone in the world? Get ready to up your ask with Christine McIver! Christine McIver is a...

July 31, 2017-Parenting from Contribution Instead of Control ~ Petrina Fava

Messy Adventures in Living ~ Petrina Fava Radio Show What if parenting wasn't about control? Many people assume kids are not as smart as adults, and so parenting becomes a launch of molding and controlling techniques. We think we are guiding them to make the right choices, but what if we are actually using our judgments to fit them into a neat little package we've decided is success? What if molding them into what...

July 17, 2017-You Can’t Get Rid of What You’re Aware Of ~ Petrina Fava

Messy Adventures in Living ~ Petrina Fava Radio Show You know that thing that's haunted you your whole life? The one you can never seem to get rid of? Self judgement, physical pain, fatigue, illness, anxiety, depression, the voices in your head...whatever it is for you. Does it seem that you just can't change it? Have you spent years of counseling, paid thousands of dollars, and stressed your body trying to get...
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