Why Can’t Anyone See How Brilliant I Am!? ~ Petrina Fava

Why Can’t Anyone See How Brilliant I Am!? ~ Petrina Fava

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December 14, 2015 by Messy Adventures In Living

Feeling like no one sees your brilliance? Do you ever come up with an amazing creation, get super excited about it and then go to share it with someone only feel totally deflated when they aren’t impressed? Do you know that you are doing an amazing job at work, but your boss just will not acknowledge you for it? How often do we allow this to completely dull our shine or stop our creations? Does the sun stop shining if we don’t acknowledge it?  Does it’s warmth and light still contribute to the world even if no one acknowledges it? What would it take to be willing to be all of your big bright shiney self, knowing that you are a contribution to the world, even if no one ever sees you?  What gift have you been withholding because no one can see it…. Yet?



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