Wacky Alternative vs Toxic Medicine. Taking Sides? ~ Petrina Fava

Wacky Alternative vs Toxic Medicine. Taking Sides? ~ Petrina Fava

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March 7, 2016 by Messy Adventures In Living

Do you believe in alternative healing? Or modern medicine? Do you use essential oils to treat your eczema? Or antibiotics to fight your infections? Do you resist medical treatment and quote conspiracy theorists? Do you think alternative healing is wacky voo-doo B.S.? Hate doctors? Think naturopaths are fakes? What happens when we decide that one side is right and the other is wrong? What if resisting one or the other, actually cuts off what could create the greatest change for your body?  With such fierce resistance, can you receive the gift that either could be to your body? Join me as I explore the gift of everything that contributes to our bodies including pharmaceuticals, essential oils, doctors and not-doctors!



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