TV – Our Action Addiction To Breaking Free Into Authentic Being!

TV – Our Action Addiction To Breaking Free Into Authentic Being!

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September 23, 2023 by *The Long Bearded Guy

The Long Bearded Guy ~ Gordon D. Melville 

At the core of who we are & how we engage with the world lies a fundamental duality: being & doing. These two concepts shape our experiences, choices, & perceptions. Understanding the difference between being & our addiction to doing can lead us to a more balanced and fulfilling life. “Being” & “doing” are two sides of the same coin, but they focus on different aspects of your life. Think of “being” as your core identity, the qualities that make you unique. It’s about the values, beliefs, and emotions that reside within you, independent of any external actions. On the other hand, “doing” refers to your actions and behaviors, the things you do in response to situations & circumstances. It’s the way you interact with the world & the choices you make, where society as a whole has us focused on & the addiction to, action or our “doing”. These actions can reflect our “being,” but they don’t define our entire identity. Your actions are important, but they’re like the outer shell of who you are. Your “being” is what gives substance to those actions. When you’re aware of, & live out of your core values & beliefs, your “doing” becomes more intentional, meaningful & breaks the cycle of addiction to it!

Connect with Gordon D Melville, The Long Bearded Guy & the Founder & CEO of JEWIL International as he discusses our addiction to doing & refocuses us on our being! Sometimes, there can be a disconnect between the two. We might do things that don’t align with our true selves because of societal pressure or other influences. Bring your journal & a friend & let’s explore and intentionally grow along our journeys together! This balance can lead to a much more fulfilling & genuine life journey. Let’s get after it!

~ More The Long Bearded Guy ~ Gordon D. Melville ~

Gordon is Founder and Chief Catalyst Strategist Guide at JEWIL International, he is the host of ‘The Long Bearded Guy’ digital radio show, podcast and tv show, an elite high performance ‘Mindset mentor’, Multi-Award Winning, International Best Selling Author and international keynote speaker who teaches entrepreneurs to navigate mental awareness & health in a world of judgement and toxic masculinity, Gordon is Co-Owner of ‘momondays Waterloo’. He sits on several boards, is active in his church and volunteers with several charities. When not writing, podcasting or coaching he can be found focusing on his own spiritual & physical health alongside his wife of 30+ years and 3 teenage sons in Waterloo Ontario Canada!

After being introduced to the world of sales through the automotive industry, Gordon went on to work with several of the biggest names in the personal development world including Zig Zigler and Grant Cardone intentionally growing & developing his own coaching specialization. More recently, Gordon battled and continues to win the war of depression from severe burnout due to no self-care and has since completely reprioritized everything in his life.

Gordon’s personal development journey has already been well over 30+ years and includes coaching certification in multiple disciplines through Robbins/Madanes and others.

To get more of The Long Bearded Guy ~ Gordon D. Melville, be sure to visit the podcast page for replays of all shows here:
Inspired Choices Network