The Long Bearded Guy with Gordon D Melville


How much of our daily success relies on our mindset?

Anything we are unaware can still impact our lives.

When dealing with our daily emotions, that we all face, there can be positive outcomes we control.

Why is the word ‘Stigma’ such a bs misnomer?

Is living ABUNDANTLY really possible for all of us, no matter where we find ourselves today?

‘The Long Bearded Guy’, Gordon D Melville, the chief Catalyst, Strategist Guide at JEWIL International invites you to an enlightening, sometimes shocking discussion. He will be challenging you to explore your own answers to these questions and SO many more.  This will lead you towards living an abundant successful life no matter how you define it!



July 20, 2024-TV – Good News, It’s All My Fault! – Gordon D. Melville

The Long Bearded Guy ~ Gordon D. Melville  Good news, It's all my fault. That's right, the good news is that when we take 100% ownership of our lives, we reclaim our power. The news is, it's time to stop blaming anyone and everyone else. By embracing this truth, we unlock unparalleled success and transformation. When we say, "It's all my fault," we're not just accepting responsibility; we're asserting control over...

July 19, 2024-Good News, It’s All My Fault! – Gordon D. Melville

The Long Bearded Guy ~ Gordon D. Melville  Good news, It's all my fault. That's right, the good news is that when we take 100% ownership of our lives, we reclaim our power. The news is, it's time to stop blaming anyone and everyone else. By embracing this truth, we unlock unparalleled success and transformation. When we say, "It's all my fault," we're not just accepting responsibility; we're asserting control over...

July 13, 2024-TV – Lead, Love, Achieve! – Gordon D. Melville

The Long Bearded Guy ~ Gordon D. Melville  Lead with love, & watch your impact multiply. Leadership isn't just about authority; it's about how you love & inspire those around you. John Maxwell says “Leadership is Influence!” Love fuels genuine leadership. When you lead with love, you create trust, foster loyalty, & drive passion in your team. Love transforms ordinary leadership into extraordinary...

July 12, 2024-Lead, Love, Achieve! – Gordon D. Melville

The Long Bearded Guy ~ Gordon D. Melville  Lead with love, & watch your impact multiply. Leadership isn't just about authority; it's about how you love & inspire those around you. John Maxwell says “Leadership is Influence!” Love fuels genuine leadership. When you lead with love, you create trust, foster loyalty, & drive passion in your team. Love transforms ordinary leadership into extraordinary...

July 6, 2024-TV – Discover Purpose Through Love! – Gordon D. Melville

The Long Bearded Guy ~ Gordon D. Melville  Discover that true purpose is rooted in love. Purpose isn't just a goal or a career; it's a profound connection to love. When you align your purpose with love, you find meaning in every challenge, every triumph, & every setback. Love fuels your passion, drives your resilience, & gives you the strength to keep going. Purpose driven by love transcends mere ambition;...

July 5, 2024-Discover Purpose Through Love! – Gordon D. Melville

The Long Bearded Guy ~ Gordon D. Melville  Discover that true purpose is rooted in love. Purpose isn't just a goal or a career; it's a profound connection to love. When you align your purpose with love, you find meaning in every challenge, every triumph, & every setback. Love fuels your passion, drives your resilience, & gives you the strength to keep going. Purpose driven by love transcends mere ambition;...

June 29, 2024-TV – Shelf Awareness! – Gordon D. Melville

The Long Bearded Guy ~ Gordon D. Melville  "Shelf Awareness!" is about recognizing the power of what we put on our shelves & how it shapes our minds. The awareness of our shelf’s content can reveal a lot about who we are & who we aspire to become. By cultivating shelf awareness, we ensure that what we read fuels our growth & self-discovery. Tune into our show to delve into the transformative concept...

June 28, 2024-Shelf Awareness! – Gordon D. Melville

The Long Bearded Guy ~ Gordon D. Melville  "Shelf Awareness!" is about recognizing the power of what we put on our shelves & how it shapes our minds. The awareness of our shelf’s content can reveal a lot about who we are & who we aspire to become. By cultivating shelf awareness, we ensure that what we read fuels our growth & self-discovery. Tune into our show to delve into the transformative concept...

June 22, 2024-TV – Know Thy Shelf! – Gordon D. Melville

The Long Bearded Guy ~ Gordon D. Melville  “Know Thy Shelf!” is a journey of self-discovery through the power of reading. To truly know oneself, one must also know their shelf – the books that shape & expand their understanding of the world. Your bookshelf is a reflection of your mind & your journey. Our show this week will explore how the books you choose can lead to profound personal development!...

June 21, 2024-Know Thy Shelf! – Gordon D. Melville

The Long Bearded Guy ~ Gordon D. Melville  “Know Thy Shelf!” is a journey of self-discovery through the power of reading. To truly know oneself, one must also know their shelf – the books that shape & expand their understanding of the world. Your bookshelf is a reflection of your mind & your journey. Our show this week will explore how the books you choose can lead to profound personal development!...
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