TV – Be Prepared For The Ambush – JR Spear

TV – Be Prepared For The Ambush – JR Spear

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March 21, 2023 by Business Leaders Network with JR Spear

Business Leaders Network with JR Spear 

Being prepared for an ambush is crucial in both military operations and business ventures, as entrepreneurs must be ready for sudden challenges that could jeopardize their success. Just as ambushes can bring unpredictability to a battlefield, business ambushes can appear at any moment and require quick action and decision-making. Having a contingency plan in place is crucial to stay ahead of the curve, avoid making rushed decisions, and maintain operational agility. By conducting regular risk assessments, entrepreneurs can better understand what scenarios they may encounter down the line, allowing them to identify possible weaknesses in their company’s systems and services to reduce the impact of future surprises.

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The Success Guide To Building Your Coaching Empire 
A Strategic Battle Plan for Motivated Coaches and Consultants
by JR Spear

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~ More About Business Leaders Network with JR Spear ~ 

From Getting Blown Up In Iraq To Leading Entrepreneurs On How To Start And Scale Their Business…

JR Spear is the founder of CREED Consulting and Business Leaders Network…He is a Strategic Business Success Coach, Speaker, Podcast Host, and Author.

Since his  return from the hot desert of Iraq in 2007 he has built several multi-six figure businesses ranging from the fitness and martial arts industry, marketing and advertising, to consulting.

His mission is to arm small business owners with the right tools and resources needed to grow their business, giving them the direct path to bypass the struggles he had to endure so they can achieve the life and business they desire…

Since 2017 JR has helped hundreds of entrepreneurs 2x, 5x, even 10x their businesses by implementing the proper STEPS (Structure, Technology, Efficiencies, Processes, that leads to Scalability).

To get more of Business Leaders Network with JR Spear, be sure to visit the podcast page for replays of all the shows here:

Inspired Choices Network