TV – Are You Living An Extraordinary Life? With Guest Keri Stanley

TV – Are You Living An Extraordinary Life? With Guest Keri Stanley

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June 7, 2022 by The Kathleen Riessen Show

The Kathleen Riessen Show 

Between work schedules and kids’ schedules, it’s easy to put your dreams on hold. Today’s guest, Keri Stanley, shares how she balances her professional dreams, being present with her kids and living an extraordinary life and how you can as well.

Keri Stanley is the founder of the Grace on Fire movement and an Inspirational Speaker. As a Top Female Life & Performance Coach, her passion is helping women leaders to create space to lead their lives fulfilled & on fire as they rise in their career. Facilitating global retreats, online masterminds, and executive leadership coaching; Keri works with leaders across the world to align their life to create the greatest impact. As a mother of teenage twin boys, marathon runner, and personal development junkie, Keri is always creating a life of fulfilling adventure across the globe.


Kathleen’s Book: Joy in Uncertainty: A Guide to Creating a Meaningful Life

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~ More About The Kathleen Riessen Show ~ 

As a former Certified Public Accountant turned marketing strategist turned serial entrepreneur, Kathleen has coached and consulted with over a thousand executives and entrepreneurs. What she’s learned is that the number one strategy to grow a business and create what you want in life lies in your ability to be vulnerable and authentic and to surrender.

As the Queen of Possibility, Kathleen showcases what you can create in your world with joy and ease.

To get more of  The Kathleen Riessen Show, be sure to visit the podcast page for replays of all her shows here:

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