One More Gift Before I Go ~ Guest Suzy Godsey

One More Gift Before I Go ~ Guest Suzy Godsey

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May 16, 2016 by Messy Adventures In Living

Our animal friends. Their limitless affection, unbridled joy of living and playful energy are just a few of the amazing gifts we receive from them. Their loyalty and friendship is like no other. When it is time for them to go, we are often so sad and grief stricken that we may miss the most beautiful gift of all. What can animals show us about ease with death? What if our grief and tears are walls to communicating with them once they have passed on? Join Suzy Godsey and I as we discuss one of the most beautiful gifts we can receive from our pets.

Are you trying hard to get life right? Are you waiting to get everything perfect and all lined up before you even begin living?  What would it be like to jump right into the messy adventure and start creating the life you truly desire; all while having more fun than you can possibly imagine?   You are invited to come get messy with us and discover that everything you always knew was possible is waiting for you to choose it. Are you looking for change? What if the magic is right in your own hands?

Ways to connect with Suzy & Charlie



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Conscious Horse Conscious Rider FB​ushorse/

Charlie YesDog FB​-Yesdog-671432362984074/



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