If the Devils in the Details…..What Else is there? ~ Guest Tom Knapp

If the Devils in the Details…..What Else is there? ~ Guest Tom Knapp

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June 30, 2017 by Infinite Energies with Lisa Benitz

Infinite Energies with Lisa Benitz Radio Show

Tom Knapp, is a man ahead of his time. For the past 30 years he has contributed to homes, and families throughout the US, many of whom he continues to work with on every renovation. What if you could look at your spaces through the eyes of a conscious contractor who listens to what people desire, what would that be for you?

Tom Knapp –  the creative genius behind creations such as Bars® A Palooza, ‘Choose to Choose’ and Blooming Kids Creation Camp- is an International Speaker, Coach and Facilitator with an extensive and versatile  background in multiple business and energetic modalities. Tom is an Access Consciousness® Certified Facilitator, a Reiki Master/Teacher and licensed builder. Simply by bringing ‘all of him’ to the conversation, he creates an irresistible invitation for people to step into things they’ve never imagined possible!  Tom’s brilliant embodiment of fun and play is the perfect compliment to his kind, yet direct style of tapping into possibilities beyond the judgments and limitations of this reality. Inviting people to not only recognize they have choice, but to actually choose!   Tom’s keen sense of following the energy takes you to the place of what is underneath anything that gets in the way of you being you….and you choosing the greatness of you!  Are you ready to Choose to Choose?  




Lisa Benitz embodies kindness and caring for unlocking the self-imposed prison we create with our debris. She shows us an easier way to create the life we have always known was possible. By removing emotional and physical baggage, she assists clients in clarifying and bringing about an ease with yourself and relationships with others.

lisabenitz@icloud.com ~ https://www.facebook.com/infinitenergies ~ http://www.infiniteenergies.ca/

Inspired Choices Network