Generate Six Figure Days With Elite Events and Devin Scott

Generate Six Figure Days With Elite Events and Devin Scott

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May 1, 2023 by Business Leaders Network with JR Spear

Business Leaders Network with JR Spear 

Join the Business Leaders Network, hosted by JR Spear, today to learn about How To Create Six Figure Days with Elite Events owner and founder, Devin Scott. The Business Leaders Network brings you industry leaders from all across the globe, helps you solve problems to continuously grow your business, and gives applicable strategies to improve systems and processes to streamline and scale your business!

Today JR Spear and Devin Scott will discuss how they help coaches and speakers generate six figure days so they can work less and make more profit! Devin focuses on removing the scarcity and lack mindset and moving into abundance! Jr and Devin discuss how to get out of the entrepreneurial rat race and into their purpose projects that are backed by God!

JR Spear has been hosting events for decades and today’s episode on How To Create Six Figure Days with Elite Events is going to help YOU generate more income while serving your clients at the highest level!!

Devin Scott is known for helping entrepreneurs transcend from the entrepreneurial rat race and into their purpose project. He believes that everyone on earth is here to be in their own creative space and make the world a better place. Devin uses virtual events to help his clients become the authority in their niche while generating Six Figure Days without missing time with their loved ones! Devin doesn’t believe in only providing for his family, but being a PRESENT Provider because kids spell love, T.I.M.E… so his mantra is Work Less, Profit More, Impact the World.

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The Success Guide To Building Your Coaching Empire 
A Strategic Battle Plan for Motivated Coaches and Consultants
by JR Spear

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~ More About Business Leaders Network with JR Spear ~ 

From Getting Blown Up In Iraq To Leading Entrepreneurs On How To Start And Scale Their Business…

JR Spear is the founder of CREED Consulting and Business Leaders Network…He is a Strategic Business Success Coach, Speaker, Podcast Host, and Author.

Since his  return from the hot desert of Iraq in 2007 he has built several multi-six figure businesses ranging from the fitness and martial arts industry, marketing and advertising, to consulting.

His mission is to arm small business owners with the right tools and resources needed to grow their business, giving them the direct path to bypass the struggles he had to endure so they can achieve the life and business they desire…

Since 2017 JR has helped hundreds of entrepreneurs 2x, 5x, even 10x their businesses by implementing the proper STEPS (Structure, Technology, Efficiencies, Processes, that leads to Scalability).

To get more of Business Leaders Network with JR Spear, be sure to visit the podcast page for replays of all the shows here:

Inspired Choices Network