Embracing Opportunities Right In Front of You! Guest Deborah Gauger

Embracing Opportunities Right In Front of You! Guest Deborah Gauger

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December 9, 2016 by Infinite Energies with Lisa Benitz

When you are at a cross roads in life and an opportunity presents itself, what do you do? Deborah Gauger was aware that a choice needed to be made that would change the course of her life, both professionally and personally. She was asking for change and without knowing what the outcome would be, she jumped all in from a corporate career into a successful, thriving home based business.

Deborah Gauger, has had an extremely active life, with moving over 47 times, went to 13 different schools, obtained a degree in history and business which led her to a career of corporate management in the media network industry for the past 18 years and a volunteer in crisis services.  Today her ability to be a chameleon in her life has led her in the wake of a recent upheaval to once again go through another move in her physical life as well as her business life and begin a whole new career in network marketing.  This has been a fast learning curve that has led her to be a leader in an industry that she knew nothing of 23 months ago.

Lisa Benitz embodies kindness and caring for unlocking the self-imposed prison we create with our debris. She shows us an easier way to create the life we have always known was possible. By removing emotional and physical baggage, she assists clients in clarifying and bringing about an ease with yourself and relationships with others.

lisabenitz@icloud.com ~ https://www.facebook.com/infinitenergies ~ http://www.infiniteenergies.ca/

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