Does Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Define YOU? Guest Robin Chant

Does Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Define YOU? Guest Robin Chant

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September 25, 2015 by Infinite Energies with Lisa Benitz

What if I told you that PTSD is a choice. Are you in a job that deals with trauma daily? Would you like to learn the tools to create change and ease for you and your body? Would you be willing to get out of being in the loop of whatever trauma you have locked into your body?

Robin Chant ~ Over 30 years ago, my dad was diagnosed with High Blood Pressure and I remember thinking, why is he going to the doctor to get pills to take for the rest of his life? If he didn’t have high blood pressure the year before, what changed? What was the cause of the high blood pressure now? Having thoughts, that if they could figure out the cause – then the high blood pressure would be gone, caused me to explore and dive further than I knew was possible. I knew it then, but couldn’t find the words to describe what I know now -the pills were treating the symptoms but not the cause.

For so many years I continued to question – Why? While being a Paramedic and Fire Fighter for more than 20 years, I thought that I understood the human body with great appreciation, but yet still yearned to know more. Why would two people living together, basically eating the same things, exercising the same amount – would develop two varying separate diseases. Only to find out, it was due to how their minds processed the stressors in their lives. Questions like these and many more led me to BodyTalk, a wellness modality which provides tools and information to explain that the body is a reflection of the mind, un-resolved issues in the mind become unresolved issues in the body – thus leading to pain, discomfort and diseases. It was my aha moment, clarity achieved!

With every book and course, my thirst for discovery of what caused the body to become out of balance and how to bring the body back into balance, increased. Learning and using these tools has shifted the way I look at health today, in totality!

Sharing these tools and offering people the allowance to change, shift and grow into a new way of BEing is why I love facilitating BodyTalk, and Breakthroughs. I look forward to meeting you and working with you as your body returns to a Healthy Balance.

Lisa Benitz embodies kindness and caring for unlocking the self-imposed prison we create with our debris. She shows us an easier way to create the life we have always known was possible. By removing emotional and physical baggage, she assists clients in clarifying and bringing about an ease with yourself and relationships with others. ~ ~

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