You Can Feel Amazing With Hypothyroidism – Dr. Jamie Gilliam

You Can Feel Amazing With Hypothyroidism – Dr. Jamie Gilliam

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October 9, 2023 by *Heal Your Body with Dr. Jamie Gilliam

Heal Your Body With Dr. Jamie Gilliam 

Living with hypothyroidism doesn’t have to mean a life of feeling like crap. Many people with hypothyroidism (60% of cases are undiagnosed) struggle with an array of symptoms, such as fatigue, joint and muscle pain, digestive troubles, headaches, low libido, hair loss, brain fog, mood swings, weight management challenges and so much more.

However, there is hope; you don’t have to suffer. The problem often lies in the inadequate testing and treatment offered by most conventional medical providers. To treat hypothyroidism, we must understand its root causes, embrace a holistic approach that encompasses the entire body, and ensure proper medication and dosing when necessary.

In this show, Dr. Jamie Gilliam will shed light on the various root causes of hypothyroidism, discuss the essential laboratory tests required for uncovering these causes, outline optimal thyroid laboratory ranges, and detail effective treatment protocols. By focusing on these key elements, you can feel amazing with hypothyroidism.

~ More About Heal Your Body with Dr. Jamie Gilliam ~ 

Dr. Jamie Gilliam is the founder of JG Wellness Clinic, where they specialize in addressing various health concerns, with a focus on thyroid disorders and hormonal imbalances within the endocrine system, autoimmune diseases, and assisting patients striving to achieve weight loss goals. Dr. Jamie holds a PhD in Integrative Medicine and an MS in Exercise Science. Jamie is also a devoted mother to seven children.

Jamie’s personal health challenges with thyroid cancer, cervical cancer, hypothyroidism, Hashimoto’s disease, and Lupus, caused her to realize that the conventional healthcare system is flawed. Tired of being sick and tired, she decided to navigate a different path.

In her pursuit of better health, Jamie explored alternative approaches to healthcare that emphasized healing rather than merely treating symptoms. Her dissatisfaction with the status quo led her to the decision to further her education and pursue a career in Integrative Medicine. This choice was rooted in her realization that many individuals are dealing with health issues but are not receiving the level of care and attention they need within the traditional healthcare system.

Through her work at JG Wellness Clinic, Dr. Jamie is dedicated to treating the whole person. She gives patients a voice and ensures patients are heard. She offers patients a comprehensive and personalized approach to healthcare, and Jamie encourages her patients to play an active role in their healthcare decisions.

To get more of Heal Your Body with Dr. Jamie Gilliam, be sure to visit the podcast page for replays of all her shows here:

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