When the Universe Speaks ~ Guest Sylvia Plester-Silk, RSW

When the Universe Speaks ~ Guest Sylvia Plester-Silk, RSW

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April 1, 2020 by ***Inspired Choices ~ Christine McIver

Inspired Choices with Christine McIver Radio Show

The Universe is speaking to you, to the person across from you, to  your business, to your everything.  Are you listening?  When the Universe speaks what do you do?  When the Universe speaks what have you decided?  Join Christine McIver with her Guest Sylvia Plester-Silk as they discuss the Universe and the messages we can all be receiving.

Sylvia Plester-Silk, BSW is an intuitive counsellor who integrates traditional therapy with Akhashic Readings and energy work to help individuals transform to a life that is fully On Purpose.

Way back in ancient history, in 1998, she graduated from the Social Work program at Ryerson University. While working for multiple community agencies, she has assisted thousands of individuals through addictions, mental health and trauma to finding their way. While she was powerful in this work, her results became exponential when she added energy therapies to her work.

In the mid-1990’s Sylvia brought energy work into the hospital she worked in and into mental health agencies to assist individuals to heal with ease. Since 2004, she has been working independently with individuals, groups and more recently, since 2010, organizations.

During the fall of 2019, she embarked on a life changing trip to Machu Picchu where she gained many life lessons and insights that have brought her back to her roots.

It is with much pleasure, confidence and clarity that she is now introducing On Purpose Transformations – the place where professional women can discover and embrace their life purpose so that they feel fully alive and fulfilled in life.

She lives in Guelph, Ontario with her husband and her dog Josee.

sylvia@onpurposetransformations.ca      www.onpurposetransformations.ca        https://www.facebook.com/OnPurposeTransformations/

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Teaching from the Akasha: Topic Relationships on April 23rd, 2020 at 7:00 EST via Zoom $27.00
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Bust Doubt Out: http://www.inspiredchoices.ca/bust-doubt-out.html

UpYourAsk 2.0: http://www.inspiredchoices.ca/upyourask.html

~ More About Inspired Choices with Christine McIver ~ 

Christine McIver is a Holographist Coach, Inspirational Speaker, TV & Radio Personality, and the Founder & Owner of Inspired Choices Network.

Christine is highly successful at inspiring individuals and businesses to make choices that will bring them increased success, greater joy, self-confidence and remarkable inspiring change.  All of which increased the abundance in their lives and businesses.

Christine lives her life out loud and is a natural cheerleader who believes in the abilities of others to change their lives quickly and easily. Creator of the programs UpYourAsk, The Pleasure of Business, Divorce with Dignity and Be The Dominatrix of Your Life, she entices clients to show up more in their life, business & relationships than they have ever before. Inviting them to make all that they once knew was possible, possible. Christine believes that you can be living & loving your life with ease!

Christine has impacted thousands of individuals both in Canada and abroad with her enthusiastic message of possibilities. Her kind, direct and joy filled approach is both comforting and stretching. Christine infectious laughter invites you into knowing that all things are possible beyond what is present in your life right now.

http://www.inspiredchoices.ca/ ~   https://www.facebook.com/InspiredChoicesInchttps://www.youtube.com/user/InspiredChoicesInc

To get more of Inspired Choices ~ Christine McIver, be sure to visit the archives page for replays of all her shows here: https://www.inspiredchoicesnetwork.com/podcast/inspired-choices-christine-mciver-holographist-coach/


Inspired Choices Network