Ready to Uncreate Your Relationships? ~ Megan & Suzanne

Ready to Uncreate Your Relationships? ~ Megan & Suzanne

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March 22, 2017 by Love, Life & All Things Weird ~ Megan Sillito & Suzanne Stauffer

Love, Life & All Things Weird Radio Show

Fundamentally, we want two things:

1: To be fully and unconventionally ourselves (warts and all) and… 2: To deeply connect and feel a sense of acceptance and belonging with others through healthy relationships.

Freedom AND Love. And therein lays the problem because we have been hardwired to believe through childhood experiences that we can’t have both. In fact, relationships often end up being about compromise and selling out, avoiding or trying repeatedly to work through conflict and issues, and despite everything, slowly losing some part of our true selves. Are you interested in blowing up THAT version of relationship? Then join us as we continue our series “Let’s Blow Some Sh$t up” and put the microscope of what’s NOT working in your relationships!

Hosts Megan Sillito and Suzanne Stauffer are the embodiment of “opposites attract”. Collectively, they’re the summation of Megan’s big vision coupled with Suzanne’s knack for details. Partnered in love and in business for the last five years, they’re taking co-creation to a whole new level. Join Megan and Suzanne for Love, Life, & All Things Weird, where we will talk about living a life that’s inspired, overflowing, and completely awesome.

Join our fun Facebook group where we give additional tips and tools and continue the conversation after the show:

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