“Optimism Today” In A World In Need Of Light – Mark Weinsoff

“Optimism Today” In A World In Need Of Light – Mark Weinsoff

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March 19, 2021 by Bill Myers Inspires

Bill Myers Inspires 

Where is Optimism today in a world so in need of light? We live at a time of great suffering and despair; a global pandemic, political division, social distancing and the absence of human touch and interaction, job loss and economic hardships, climate and environmental crises, injustice and inequality, the ever-increasing wealth gap, and the ever-present systemic racism and oppression. More than ever, Optimism is needed. More than “the cup being half-full”, Optimism is needed. More than “this too shall pass”, Optimism is needed.

What role does Optimist International, or optimism have in harnessing the power of positive thinking and limitless possibilities to serve as an agent of hope in addressing the challenges we face today in the 21st century?

March 20, 2021 – 11et/10ct/9mt/8pt – Optiforum on music makes people happy:Youtube Live Stream   https://youtu.be/PtvDKitzWYM

Mark Weinsoff was not always an optimist. The path to the Presidency of Optimist International took him through careers in radio broadcasting, banking, business ownership and technology management. While he encountered the Optimist Creed early on this path, he did not truly incorporate optimism into his life until 16 years after he joined the Northside Optimist Club of Santa Barbara. Mark grew up in the San Fernando Valley area of Los Angeles. After graduating High School, he moved to Goleta to attend the University of California, Santa Barbara (USCB).

Mark joined the Northside Optimist Club of Santa Barbara in 1988. Several years later, he was exposed to the science of positive psychology while earning a Master’s Degree at Pepperdine University. In 2004 he began applying the lessons he learned to his life and Optimist Clubs. As President, Mark is focused on all Optimist Clubs becoming Optimistic Clubs applying the five components of well-being scientifically proven by science: optimism, purpose, engagement, relationships and accomplishment.

https://optimist.org  mark.weinsoff@gmail.com

~ More About Bill Myers Inspires ~ 

Emmy Award-winning actor Bill Myers is an accomplished actor, jazz musician, filmmaker, writer, educator, and speaker. As a bi-racial man who is both black and white, Bill leverages his background, talents, and voice through creativity, compassion, and connection as activism for social justice to focus on uniting the divide and compelling change.

In a civic leadership capacity, he has served as President of the African American Jazz Caucus in NYC, member of the Indianapolis Cultural Development Committee, and served as President of the Indianapolis Downtown Optimist Club. In addition to his Emmy Award, Bill has received many awards and notable commissions for his work including being commissioned by the Indianapolis Museum of Art to create an original work for Dr. Martin Luther King Day entitled “The Music, Martin & Me.”

Bill Myers seeks to encourage, enlighten, and empower others through the power of entertainment to affect social justice.

You can find Bill Myers:






To get more of Bill Myers Inspires, be sure to visit the podcast page for replays of all her shows here: https://www.inspiredchoicesnetwork.com/podcast/bill-myers-inspires/


Inspired Choices Network