“My Funny Valentine” – Who’s Laughing? – with guest – Maureen McNamara

“My Funny Valentine” – Who’s Laughing? – with guest – Maureen McNamara

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January 23, 2015 by Aligning Divine with Keisha Clark

What is Valentine’s Day, for you?  Funny?  Fun?  Frightening? What are we really to make of this “day to celebrate lovers”? Could there be any possibilities for Fun in all of the Valentine’s Day shenanigans? Maureen McNamara is just the person to ask about the hilarious hoopla we create around Valentine’s Day and other meaning-filled occasions in our lives; and that is just what we are going to do this week. We will try not to have too much Fun, as we play with the question: What would it take for Valentine’s Day to truly be “Happy”?



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