Live Your Best Life With Guest Molly Smith

Live Your Best Life With Guest Molly Smith

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November 27, 2023 by *Heal Your Body with Dr. Jamie Gilliam

Heal Your Body With Dr. Jamie Gilliam 

Are you living your best life or are you tired, sick, frustrated, unmotivated and just surviving? In this episode, Dr. Jamie Gilliam and Molly Smith discuss what is required if you truly want to live your best life physically and mentally. Through their own personal journeys, they have discovered that a blend of introspection, resilience, and an ongoing commitment to personal growth is required to truly be free in your own life. It starts with self-awareness—an honest evaluation of your values, aspirations, and strengths. Embracing your authenticity and letting go of what others will think of you becomes crucial as you align your actions with your true self. Living your best life requires an ongoing journey of self-discovery, acknowledging and embracing both successes and setbacks as opportunities for learning and growth. It involves cultivating a positive mindset and adaptability to navigate life’s inevitable challenges while staying focused on your personal aspirations and goals.

Nurturing meaningful connections and fostering a supportive environment is also essential for us as human beings. Building and sustaining healthy relationships, both with yourself and with others, contributes significantly to overall well-being. It requires empathy, effective communication, and a willingness to cultivate connections that uplift and encourage personal development. Additionally, living your best life often involves pursuing passions and endeavours that bring fulfillment, whether in career, hobbies, or personal interests. This pursuit requires courage to step out of comfort zones, take calculated risks, and persistently strive for personal excellence while cherishing the journey as much as the destination.

Dr. Jamie Gilliam and Molly Smith give insight into why so many people struggle when trying to achieve health, fitness and life goals and provide the necessary tools to overcome the struggle.

Having been described as the female “Ted Lasso”, Molly approaches life with a combination of grit and positivity. She is deeply committed to personal growth, the potential of the people around her, and the success of the people she leads.

After a pivotal decision to in 2019 to focus on her health, Molly was awakened to the possibility that helping others overcome the obstacles that she’s tackled is the key to impacting thousands of people using her unique, quirky brand of self-deprecating humor. Her personal journey from feeling like crap to ultimate health is inspiring and proof that anyone can take control of their health and wellbeing. Molly uses her free time to run “hip to hip” with others looking to create optimal health in their lives, actively mentor’s others and embraces opportunities to speak or write about what’s she’s learned along the way.

~ More About Heal Your Body with Dr. Jamie Gilliam ~ 

Dr. Jamie Gilliam is the founder of JG Wellness Clinic, where they specialize in addressing various health concerns, with a focus on thyroid disorders and hormonal imbalances within the endocrine system, autoimmune diseases, and assisting patients striving to achieve weight loss goals. Dr. Jamie holds a PhD in Integrative Medicine and an MS in Exercise Science. Jamie is also a devoted mother to seven children.

Jamie’s personal health challenges with thyroid cancer, cervical cancer, hypothyroidism, Hashimoto’s disease, and Lupus, caused her to realize that the conventional healthcare system is flawed. Tired of being sick and tired, she decided to navigate a different path.

In her pursuit of better health, Jamie explored alternative approaches to healthcare that emphasized healing rather than merely treating symptoms. Her dissatisfaction with the status quo led her to the decision to further her education and pursue a career in Integrative Medicine. This choice was rooted in her realization that many individuals are dealing with health issues but are not receiving the level of care and attention they need within the traditional healthcare system.

Through her work at JG Wellness Clinic, Dr. Jamie is dedicated to treating the whole person. She gives patients a voice and ensures patients are heard. She offers patients a comprehensive and personalized approach to healthcare, and Jamie encourages her patients to play an active role in their healthcare decisions.

To get more of Heal Your Body with Dr. Jamie Gilliam, be sure to visit the podcast page for replays of all her shows here:

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