Being in Allowance in Your Life with guest Tammy Pocock

Being in Allowance in Your Life with guest Tammy Pocock

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December 12, 2014 by Infinite Energies with Lisa Benitz

Have you found yourself not being allowance of the choices of what others are choosing in their lives?

Where have you cut off the ability to just be and listen without judgement?

Would you like some tools to use today that would allow you to not contract?

Join Lisa Benitz, Access Conscious Certified Facilitator, Right Relationship for You and Empowerment Coach and her special guest Tammy Pocock, Access Conscious Certified Facilitator to play with the energy of clearing your clutter.

Hugs Lisa

Live Fridays at 12:00pm EST, 11am CT, 10am MT, 9am PT

Lisa Benitz

Access Consciousness® Certified Facilitator, CFMW

Right Relationship for You Facilitator

Body Process Practitioner
(403) 589-4525

Inspired Choices Network