22nd Century Consciousness ~ Carol Glover

22nd Century Consciousness ~ Carol Glover

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June 20, 2018 by 22nd Century Consciousness

Igniting 22nd Century Consciousness Through Writing On Air ~ Carol Glover

Carol Glover

PDF of Carol’s favorite writing tips ~ Value $25.00

Energetic reading for you and your written creation (either in progress or yet to be started) – I do these sessions by myself and record them for you to enjoy at your leisure. I then leave space for you to ask questions via email ~ Value $125.00

Proof reading of any written work up to 50 pages – comments and feedback/suggestions included ~ Value $200.00

TOTAL VALUE $350.00 for only $97.00 CAD

Yes! I want permanent access to Carol’s package at the value price $350 ONLY $97

CHECK OUT: http://paypal.me/CarolLGlover/97

Christine McIver, Possibilities Coach, TV & Radio Personality, works one-on-one with individuals around all areas of life where great joy is desired.  She also works with groups and organizations. http://www.inspiredchoices.ca/

Inspired Choices Network