Become The Banker with Joseph Quijano & Jordan Quijano

We work hard for our money. We try to save money for our retirement. Only to lose it to the volatility of the stock market, taxes and finance charges.

The biggest fear that people have today is outliving their money at retirement

Certified Financial Planner Joseph Quijano, will use his award-winning financial strategies to give you financial clarity and freedom

Joseph’s Book: Become The Banker

Purchase here




March 22, 2021-Choosing The Right Financial Planner ~ Joseph Quijano & Jordan Quijano 

Become The Banker with Joseph Quijano & Jordan Quijano  The person entrusted with your financial future should be a financial planner who is educated and experienced. There are so many financial planners. How can you choose the right one? Well, tune in to this week's radio program and learn the best method for choosing your financial planner Join in the Live Chat Room too!!!...

March 8, 2021-Creating Wealth Doesn’t Need To Be Complicated

Become The Banker with Joseph Quijano & Jordan Quijano  We make our financial planning and finances too Complicated sometimes. We listen, read or see financial people on the airwaves and take their word for it No need to do that anymore. With us you will get real education and answered Join in the Live Chat Room too!!!   Joseph’s Book: Become The...

March 1, 2021-The Conventional Wisdom ~ Myths Of Investments Or Making Money

Become The Banker with Joseph Quijano & Jordan Quijano  Sometimes, what we think we know about Investments and making money, turns out to be working more  against  us than it does for us.  Find out the common misconceptions that the banks and financial institutions use to make us think we are on the right track when it is actually setting us backwards.  It's time to see the truth about making money! Join...

February 22, 2021-Part 2 -Spring Financial Cleaning ~ Joseph Quijano & Jordan Quijano

Become The Banker with Joseph Quijano & Jordan Quijano  Continuing on from last weeks show on Financial Spring Cleaning, Jordan and Joseph Quijano will be diving even deeper into what it means to "spring clean" your finances and take a financial inventory to ensure that 2021 the most successful yet.   Join in the Live Chat Room too!!!   Joseph’s...

February 15, 2021-Spring Financial Cleaning ~ Joseph Quijano & Jordan Quijano 

Become The Banker with Joseph Quijano & Jordan Quijano  Now is the time to start doing some financial spring cleaning by taking a financial inventory and placing financial needs in order. Let us help you do some spring financial cleaning to assure you a financially successful 2021.   Join in the Live Chat Room too!!!   Joseph’s Book: Become The...

February 8, 2021-Sometimes Financial Ignorance Is A Blessing ~ Joseph Quijano & Jordan Quijano

Become The Banker with Joseph Quijano & Jordan Quijano  We are inundated with all kinds of financial information but have you ever met someone with no financial knowledge get ahead? Listen to our show today and learn why a bumble bee can fly. It will be a blessing for your financial future. Join in the Live Chat Room too!!!   Joseph’s Book: Become The...

January 25, 2021-Building A Successful Financial Plan For 2021 ~ Joseph & Jordan Quijano 

Become The Banker with Joseph Quijano & Jordan Quijano  Now that you know that the first step in having a successful financial plan for 2021 begins in the mind-the way we think now is the time to give you the tools on how to build your plan. Join in the Live Chat Room too!!!   Joseph’s Book: Become The Banker Purchase...

January 18, 2021-Planning For The Best Financial Year In 2021

Become The Banker with Joseph Quijano & Jordan Quijano  If you are born poor, it is not your fault. However, if you die poor, it is your fault. Listen to our show today and learn how to successfully do effective Planning to make the year 2021 the best financial year ever. Join in the Live Chat Room too!!!   Joseph’s Book: Become The Banker Purchase...

January 11, 2021-Planning For A Successful 2021 Financial Year ~ Joseph & Jordan Quijano

Become The Banker with Joseph Quijano & Jordan Quijano  In order to get ahead financially you must have a plan and be able to execute your plan. Successful Financial planning does not need to be complicated. We will guide you in creating a realistic financial plan so that the year 2021 can be the best financial year ever Join in the Live Chat Room too!!!...

December 21, 2020-Forget 2020, Let’s Make 2021 The Best Financial Year Yet!

Become The Banker with Joseph Quijano & Jordan Quijano  As we wrap up 2020 and say good bye to a strange year, we can begin to start planning for a great financial year in 2021. It's never too late to start planning your financial future, and 2021 is just around the corner. Why not start planning for your best financial year yet! Join Jordan Quijano as he discusses strategies, tips, and tools to begin...
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