Where the Hell Did My Happy Place Go?! ~ with Keisha Clark

Where the Hell Did My Happy Place Go?! ~ with Keisha Clark

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November 11, 2016 by Aligning Divine with Keisha Clark

What is the deal with our “happy place”?  Do you find sometimes you can get there pretty quickly and others times it seems like you have lost the map?  Is happy even possible when all hell breaks loose?

Keisha is back from a week of intensive facilitation and has some new awarenesses she is bringing to this week’s conversation.  What would it be like to have ease finding your happy place – no matter what hell you feel like you fell into, or what is going on for anyone else?  Would that make you arrogant?  Or delusional?  Or something else?

You can find Keisha on Facebook ~ @LivingBeyondLinear

You can also enjoy more with Keisha Clark and Rhonda Burns on their collaborative project, Sexually Speaking, at http://tinyurl.com/SSwithKeishaandRhonda2016   ~ Celebrating all things sex and #thesexof everything with Unconventional conversations to Unf%#k your life.

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