TV – Dealing With Grief With Kindness With Guest Tammy Adams

TV – Dealing With Grief With Kindness With Guest Tammy Adams

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June 29, 2023 by Cultivating Kindness with Karen

Cultivating Kindness With Karen 

At some point in time each person will experience a loss of some kind that will bring them to experiencing grief. When we are grieving it can be difficult to find kindness towards yourself. There are many social norms around grieving and not all of them include the energy of kindness. Each person will have their own opinion on how to handle grief.

So how do you maintain the energy of kindness for yourself and/or others during periods of grief?

In this episode of Cultivating Kindness With Karen, Karen Leslie Stress Recovery Expert, welcomes Tammy Adams to the show to share her expertise on grief and how she helps people through this very emotional, and often painful, time in their life. Grief is not something that you “just get over” or is healed with time. We are all unique in our experiences as Tammy knows so well.

If you are currently experiencing grief, have in the past, or feel you are still struggling years later be sure to join in live in the chatroom to ask questions and be a part of this important conversation.

Tammy Adams loves to problem solve, inspire and motivate others who are ready and committed to change. She has spent over 30 years in the field of education (infant to post-secondary) and as a Certified Coach Tammy teaches individuals to challenge and conquer their limiting beliefs and insecurities to create the life of their choosing. As an Advanced Grief Recovery Specialist Tammy understands unresolved grief can limit an individual’s capacity for happiness and is gifted at supporting individuals through the pain and isolation cause by an emotional loss, of any kind, to a place of happiness they believed no longer existed.

*Listen now on the Inspired Choices Network app!

~ More About Cultivating Kindness With Karen

Karen Leslie is an Educator and an Expert Healer who has been facilitating energy with others for over 25 years.  Her life of depression, anxiety and suicidal thoughts has led her on an interesting, and at times, turbulent path to where she is today.

Kindness was definitely missing in Karen’s life.  Karen was always kind and compassionate to others, however she was not showing kindness to herself.  Today Karen knows that kindness towards others was actually a way of avoiding her own wounds and sadness.  These choices created a life of ‘people pleasing’, keeping the peace and avoiding conflict; especially if it involved having to say “No” to someone else.

Karen knows now that everything we do to help ourselves from the neck up will help everything from the neck down.  Karen now lives each day with enthusiasm, excitement, an openness to new adventures and a great deal of kindness towards everyone, most especially herself.

To get more of Cultivating Kindness With Karen, be sure to visit the podcast page for replays of all her shows here:

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