Tapping Into Your Purpose; with Guest – LaRue Eppler

Tapping Into Your Purpose; with Guest – LaRue Eppler

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May 22, 2015 by Aligning Divine with Keisha Clark

Have you ever wondered “what the hek am I here for?!”

Keisha welcomes LaRue Eppler as her special guest this week, to talk about her amazing journey into claiming her purpose, and how that in turn lead to facilitating thousands of people tapping in to and claiming their own lives and purpose for themselves.

What if we never allowed anyone else to tell us who or what or how we should be?  Are you ready to tap in to more of You?

LaRue Eppler has been active in the Human Potential Field since the late eighties, when a startling event prompted her to begin exploring beyond the status quo and seeking the approval of others.  She studied and trained in a number of methods for personal growth including The Work, Avatar, NLP, One Brain, Transcendental Meditation, Time Line Therapy, Holo-dynamics, and Breakthrough To Higher Power. Drawing from her many modalities and thousands of hours of individual client sessions, LaRue came to develop her own body of work which she calls Evolutionary Kinesiology, or Evo-K.  She works with people to move beyond limitations and connect with their natural wisdom through classes, workshops, seminars, private sessions and speaking engagements all over the world.

You can learn more about LaRue and her amazing life and work, at www.larueeppler.com  and also check out LaRue’s best selling book Your Essential Whisper: Six Distinct Ways to Recognize, Trust and Follow Inner Guidance with Absolute Certainty, which she co-authored with her friend and colleague, Vanessa Tabor Wesley.

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