Holding Back, Holding On or Finally Committing? ~ Guest Julie Tuton

Holding Back, Holding On or Finally Committing? ~ Guest Julie Tuton

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February 1, 2017 by ***Inspired Choices ~ Christine McIver

Inspired Choices with Christine McIver Radio Show

So are you holding back, holding on or finally committing to your life?  Is that fence comfortable or is the journey a joyful ride?

Join Christine McIver and her Guest Julie Tuton this week as they provoke you into the commitments you maybe avoiding.

Julie Tuton, Certified Facilitator, Energy Therapist, Artist & Designer 

Coming from Boston, Julie Tuton has an East Coast edge, softened by over 25 years of living in the San Francisco Bay Area.  She has a razor sharp awareness that allows her to cut through to the core of your issues with the kindness and caring you have always wished for but never found.  

She lives in the space of non-judgment, allowing her to be very real and present with you.  Applying her awareness and practical tools to move through changes and commit to living her true life, she comes from a place of vulnerability, compassion, and knowing that if she could step through such transitions with ease, she can facilitate others as well. 

As a healer, artist and jewelry designer, Julie believes in enhancing your health and natural beauty by choosing jewelry that resonates with your body.  She loves creating custom pieces, using her magic and intuitive ability to complement your uniqueness.  Her jewels are an addition to you, not to overpower or hide you but to bring out your natural glow and beauty, contribute yummy energy, and create a comfortable elegance.

Julie travels around the world, speaking to groups, facilitating individuals, couples, and classes, and creates beauty wherever she goes.   She loves empowering people to greater possibilities, and watching with wonder at how quickly their lives change!  

To take advantage of Julie’s generous offer during the show, please email her at: julietutonenergy@gmail.com

1. Free recording of Step 1 of Committing to your life series: When playing small no longer works for you.
2. First 3 people to email, Julie, can receive a super discount 30 minute phone/skype coaching/facilitation session for $90 (regularly $175)
www.JulieTutonEnergy.com (energy therapy)

www.JulieTuton.com (jewerly)

Christine McIver is a Possibilities Coach, Inspirational Speaker, Radio Show Host and Access Consciousness Certified Facilitator who is driven to inspire individuals and organizations to make choices that will bring them greater joy, self-confidence and remarkable positive change.

Christine invites you to join her.

http://www.inspiredchoices.ca/ ~   https://www.facebook.com/InspiredChoicesInc ~ christinemciver.accessconsciousness.com  https://www.youtube.com/user/InspiredChoicesInc

Inspired Choices Network