Highly Sensitive? Or Incredibly Capable? ~ Keisha Clark

Highly Sensitive? Or Incredibly Capable? ~ Keisha Clark

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August 28, 2019 by Aligning Divine with Keisha Clark

Aligning Divine With Keisha Clark Radio Show

There is an on-going conversation about “highly sensitive” people and how difficult it can be for them to be in the world.  Have you described yourself that way?  Have you experienced those difficulties?  Would you like to blow that up, now?

Might it be possible that “highly sensitive” is one of the stories you/we bought?  Could that be a way we validate the difficulties of experiencing “human”?  If those questions tweek a trigger for you, this is a conversation for you to play with.  Join Keisha this week, and get ready to test what you may have thought were the limitations of being “highly sensitive”.  What if it’s something very different than the story told you it was?…

Find Your Local Live Show Time – http://bit.ly/AligningDivineAug28th

Play with Keisha in person!  Spend an afternoon with Keisha and her Co-Host, Clarissa Barraza, for a very special gallery session and guided group healing.  Save the date for Sunday, September 15th, in Dallas, Texas, for  Messages & Miracles with Clarissa Barraza & Keisha Clark ~ find more information, here – http://bit.ly/MessagesAndMiracles-Sep15th


~ More Aligning Divine With Keisha Clark ~

Aligning Divine is all about lining up with Your Divine Essence and living it every day!  Keisha Clark is inviting you to a fresh perspective of being “a spiritual being having a human experience.”  What would you like it to be, for you?

We will dive into topics to inspire and invite you to re-cognize and re-member your Divine Nature, and to become more resonant with your Divine Essence.  What could you truly become capable of, as you shift into greater resonance and alignment with your essence?

It’s time for you to Know that You are required and desired to be participating in the Ah-Mazing co-creation on this planet right now!  Let’s Celebrate the unique, brilliant and powerful expression of the Universe, that is YOU. 


To get more of Aligning Divine With Keisha Clark, be sure to visit the archives page for replays of all her shows here: https://www.inspiredchoicesnetwork.com/podcast/aligning-divine-keisha-clark


Inspired Choices Network