Beautiful Skin And The Cost Of Having It! ~ Skin Care Expert Katina Kritikos

Beautiful Skin And The Cost Of Having It! ~ Skin Care Expert Katina Kritikos

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June 18, 2018 by Financially Speaking ~ Kathy Cook Noble

Financially Speaking with Kathy Cook Noble Radio Show

Part 2 of our conversation with Katina about the affect beautiful skin care has on confidence. Also talking to Katina about the very big industry of weddings and how important beautiful skin care is for the special day. Join me and we’ll talk to Katina, skin care expert, about the cost of beautiful, both monetary and spiritually.

From a very young age Katina knew that one of her Sacred Gifts was the gift of Service.
She had a unique ability in understanding and empathizing with those around her.
Her love of creating beauty for others and healing not only their bodies, but their spirit and soul, manifested at an early age. During her teen years, she developed severe Cystic Acne. At 14 years old, her family doctor prescribed a series of antibiotics to treat her skin. She knew she was not sick, but the antibiotics made her sick. She started to read everything she could about Acne.

Beautiful skin care has been Katina’s passion and mission ever since.

~ More About Financially Speaking ~

Everywhere you go, everywhere you turn, everyone you talk to, money appears. Either in conversation, in thoughts, in dreams, in stress, in arguments and in planning.

Money is the one commodity that everyone can universally agree that they all need. Most people navigate through their lives not really understanding how money works or how to keep more of it.

Kathy Cook Noble is a believer in people’s abilities to understand, control and plan for their futures with money. She believes that once people understand the importance of why they need to control their own finances, they will live a free and happy life. She is a Financial Advisor, teacher, bookkeeper, business expert, seeker of knowledge, community volunteer and believer in people.

Kathy has spent her entire life studying and working in business to help people expand their lives, save money, make money and avoid financial ruin. She personally understands what it means to see value and have faith in yourself so that you are more confident in financial decisions.

Overcoming painful obstacles and realizations about money has helped Kathy become obsessed with helping people, especially women, understand their financial situations and help them plan for their future selves.

To get more of Financially Speaking with Kathy Cook Noble, be sure to visit the archives page for replays of all her shows here:



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