22nd Century Consciousness ~ Milica Jelenic

22nd Century Consciousness ~ Milica Jelenic

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June 18, 2018 by **The Pleasure Zone with Milica Jelenic

Igniting 22nd Century Consciousness Through The Pleasure Zone ~ Milica Jelenic

Milica Jelenic

1 hour private session (on-line or in person) ~ Value $150
This is session may include clearings, energy work.

Sexual Magicism 21 Day Program ~ Value $497
LIVE private class
Putting the practice of your magical sexual self into action.
(via Zoom begins the end of August 2018)
plus access to the Private FB group from the original 21 Day program
All recorded, and all available to you.

Monthly Video E-mail on “Being Your Succulent Self ($197)
Begins end of August 2018 to August 2019
Every month enjoy an little blog video about “Being Your Succulent Self”
Would you like to be express more of your deliciousness and you are just not sure where to start? Enjoy tips, tools and a host of awesome naughtiness on these private videos!

TOTAL VALUE $844.00 for only $197.00 CAD

Yes! I want permanent access to Milica’s package at the value price $844 ONLY $197 CAD

CHECK OUT: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=XZ29P379YXBUY

Inspired Choices Network